My poor laptop is broken, logic board fried, with all of my pictures and there goes my workflow out the window. I should get the hard drive back tomorrow, and then once my data is safely in hand (yes, I am lazy and only back up every couple months, I’m willing to risk that level of tragedy) I’ll take the machine to Apple, if they are feeling generous about the amount of case damage it has suffered (I am truthfully not kind to my technology) it may be covered under a graphic chip recall. Woo, fun times. Might be a little while before my bloggy self gets it back together. I was starting to think about getting a new computer anyway, but really, I should be able to nurse this one along for another year, except for the whole sad fitzing logic board thing. We’ll see what happens. :-/
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Add Yours →Oh no! We back up with carbonite, that way we don’t have to think about it. Learned our lesson the hard way after losing a bunch of very important photos a few years ago.
Good luck getting covered under the graphic chip recall!
Getting my data wasn’t a problem although we did have to yank the drive from the laptop, but the motherboard was well and truly fried. Finally back up and running on a new machine today.