May Giveaway Winner

Was I supposed to do this Friday? In anycase, rolled 134 (out of 135!), so choice of pattern goes to:

Breanna sackrey Says:
May 20th, 2010 at 6:26 pm edit
yes I do wear shoes regularly but I do not read your blog regularly but I intend to browse after I am done entering giveaways. teachloveread at hotmail dot com

And I decided to give an additional pattern to one of the handful of folks who claim to read my blog at least sometimes, (or ever!), which I love to find out!

So congratulations also to:

Hilda Says:
May 17th, 2010 at 4:51 pm edit
I used to read your blog all the time but I admit it’s been a while since I’ve been here. My blog list is just a little too long these days! I do wear shoes, or flip flops, or slippers just about all the time, although I happen to be in bare feet right now….

I understand about the long blogroll – Mine is about 10 times longer than I can read right now! I click around randomly in my list and always find something nice though!

If you are crushed not to win my pattern, remember you can always buy it! 😉


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I have been browsing your older posts and I am amazed by all the wonderful activities for young children you have! I know what I am going to be doing after ball practice (I better start at the beginning and work my way forward) thank you again for the wonderful prize I have been digging through my fabric trying to decide what colors to use first.

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