December Give-Away Wrap-Up

Monster Kit

Lois didn’t want any more stuff, which I respect, I don’t need any more stuff either! But I thought she might like something to do with her girls, she’d commented about turning one of her daughter’s butterfly pictures into a monster like mine, so I sent her a monster kit. Which is a fancy way of saying that I went through my stash and made a pile of stuff to make monsters out of. Beads, buttons, sparkly floss, felt, some fleece, stretch velour and batik scraps… I went on a bit of a completionist bender and tried to include everything she would need, since I didn’t know if she even had a sewing kit. Thus the matchbox needle book made out of a cracker box. That actually turned out really well, I might have to make one for me… I just stuck a piece of felt in the back and stapled it together…

The most ‘useful’ thing in the box was probably a copy of Plush-O-Rama, which I bought a year or so ago. It wanted to go too, and I don’t really need it. 🙂 I could probably stand to get rid of at least half my craft books, but usually they can’t find such good second homes.


And here are their monsters! They are fast! I think those girls have a future in plush design. 🙂 Thanks for the pictures Lois, it’s always nice to see things being used!

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Didn’t I tell you that Katherine was extremely Generous with the Giveaway Prize?!
She really did make sure we had everything to make our creations…
And we should encourage her to do a matchbook cover needle/holder tutorial. It is so neat!
Many thanks for the prize!
We’ll be making lots more creatures to give away!

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