May Day – Art Playgroup Friday


I think now that three year olds are the perfect age for Maypoles. What could be better than running around in circles, bumping into your friends and falling down? And tangling each other up in ribbons? It was great. We may have to put the Maypole up every week in May. If you have a three year old, you have to make a Maypole, ours was a four foot dowel with a screw in the end jammed into a hole in a piece of plywood. It worked great, probably much better than if I’d made it, but luckily I was running late so my husband made it for me. Sweet.


After running around, tearing the flowers to pieces, eating lunch, and gluing rose petals haphazardly to paper, we made crullers. Recently, after reading about nettle soup on the little travelers I finally picked up a copy of Festivals Family and Food, which has a recipe for crullers listed as a traditional Scandinavian May Day food. So I braved the deep-frying, bought some whole wheat pastry flour, and they were excellent. We only used half the double recipe I made for the group, so I baked the rest, and that turned out pretty good too, although it was really yeasty since it was sitting and rising for about three hours before I got it in the oven when it only wanted one hour before frying.


Yum, whole wheat funnel cake.

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