May Giveaway Day

Well, we survived Rebecca’s birthday yesterday, although I fell asleep at 7:30pm and slept until almost 7am – not counting waking up every two hours to nurse Penelope of course… But our house is still a disaster and I have looming deadlines for my One Yard Wonders projects so I wasn’t going to do this, but hey, someone else mentioned it, and I still had about 10 minutes to sign up, so sure, why not.

And what will you win? Oh, right. Well, I would say any pattern in my Etsy store, but because of my move, two half finished soft-circuit patterns, and getting distracted by the next One Yard Wonders book there is only one pattern in my Etsy store. Technically there is a Halloween pattern too, but I’m not reposting that until July, what? I should just relist it now and stop being mad at Etsy for not letting you change the number of items for sale before charging you for relisting all of them? Yes, I’m mad at Etsy. Stupid Etsy. Okay, okay.

So your choice of two patterns. Comment on this post, tell me whether your read my blog normally, and whether you like to wear shoes, just so I can tell who is paying attention, and yes, I will email internationally! As mandated by the Sew Mama Sew post the giveaway will be open until through the 20th, and I will ‘ship’ by the 24th.

So comment, (were you paying attention?) and then head back to Sew Mama Sew to check out the rest of the giveaways going on. Should be good times. I’m off to pack lunch for tomorrow, then crash, bed.


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I hate to wear shoes indoors but I’m a shoe addict for when I’m outside. Current obsession are shoes that look good but feel good at the same time. Do they really exist?

Those cars are adorable!

I like shoes. Shoes are good. They’re more than good, actually, they’re a must, as I have sensitive skin and am a klutz.

I haven’t read your blog before, but I’m going to check it out now.
I hate shoes. I take them off as soon as I get into the house, and before I had a toddler who I had to set a good example for, I wouldn’t wear them in our yard either. I can’t wait until she’s old enough to understand about natural consequences.

Well I like to wear shoes because I don’t want to get a hookworm, but I don’t like to wear shoes because I want to be a ninja. This is my first visit to your blog care of the giveaway day but I will be back because I love the little bat.

Love the little cars! This is my first time to your blog. Thanks for the giveaway!
Do flip-flops count? Actually my feet are naked at the moment.

Great giveaway! Would love to be the lucky winner! Only just discovered your blog and yes I like wearing shoes, lol

i wear shoes only because if i don’t i slip and slide–don’t need anything to help me be more clumsy and off balance than i already am!! when i do wear shoes–year round in snow even, they’re most often teva sandals–yea for my toes being free!! haven’t seen your blog before–the linking cars are just adorable!! have a great day

i don’t regularly read your blog but i will now! how cool! i don’t really like shoes.

I just found your blog, but am adding you to my feed reader.

I don’t like wearing shoes in the house, but don’t like going outside without shoes.

My son would love me to have the cars pattern.

First time at your blog!! I’ll be back 🙂 I wear shoes. I like flip flops in the house though (and I’m in Sunnyvale!)

Love the Halloween pattern!

Not a shoe wearer. Though I’m often in slippers in the house because my feet get cold!

I am barefoot currently, lol. As are the kids.. Halloween patterns are awsome, thanks!


This is my first time at your blog, so I will have to come back and try your tutorials.
I really like the car pattern, and hoes…well, I prefer flip flops. I hate wearing socks, so when I do wear shoes, I am often sockless. Around the house I am almost always barefoot, even when it is freezing. If it gets really cold, I will wear slippers. thanks for the giveaway

Just found your blog and liked looking through it. I go barefoot as much as I can and was once prevented from boarding a plane as I was not wearing shoes!

This is my first time here. I love your blog! These soft toys are great! I do wear shoes, but I’m from Hawaii so I’d rather go barefoot.
Thanks for your generous giveaway!
rayamashita (at) yahoo (dot) com

Your patterns are very cool — I especially love the Halloween one. Halloween isn’t celebrated very much down here in New Zealand, and as an American expat, I’ve made it my business to go all out since nobody else does! I’m not a regular blog readere (I’ve just discovered you through SMS), and I do like to wear shoes, although not in the house, because my husband grew up in Japan and has trained me to take them off…

I love the linkable car pattern!
I am afraid I only pop in on your blog every now and then – I’m not very good with keeping up with my blog reading. I never wear shoes in the house but I do wear shoes when I’m outside, especially in crowded public places, LOL.

actually, no! I spend most of my day barefoot, and slip on flipflops if I have to go somewhere. It’s a sad day for me when winter comes around, and I have to switch to socks and clogs. I love the soft linkable cars!

I hate wearing shoes, I always read your blog, and I’d love the Halloween pattern since I already have your car pattern!

Speaking of which, I need to sew together those little car pieces that have been sitting in my sewing cabinet for months now…

this is my first visit to your site, and NO I do not wear shoes around the house,,,, I love being barefooted… now out and about then yes I wear sandels or flats, no more heels I am so through with them. I had to wear them Saturday for a special church event for our grand son and I couldn’t wait to get out of them and to think when I was young I always had heels on….. please enter me in your lovely giveaway thank you ladycolmn(at)aol(dot)com from Florida Gulf Coast area

The soft linkable cars are adorable! And I don’t really like wearing shoes. I love sandals, but my feet get cold so I spend the majority of winter in Ugg boots and slippers. I sometimes wish I was a Hobbit so I could go barefoot and my feet would always be warm.

Mama told me to be honest…so I must say, that i’m here for the first (but surely not last) time.

Shoes? Yes, I HAVE TO wear shoes at work otherwise my toes will freeze. At home I’m wearing socks, selfknitted of course.

I like the cars and the tutorial for eggs …

WOW, what a wonderful idea!
I’m deeply impressed.

Kind regards from Germany
Claudia alias

Love that sweet cars pattern! I have never seen your site before today but will have to take a looksie…we don’t wear shoes in the house because we try to keep it clean. Since we’re near the beach we get a LOT of sand in the house. Course that never really works…

Fun patterns! This is the first I’ve found your blog and yes – I like to wear shoes 🙂 Thanks for the great giveaway! luscofamily(at)

oh yes, the little cars for sure. New grandson joining 2 preschool brothers in a few months 🙂 Haven’t read your blog previously – love this giveaway for a chance to “meet” new blog folks. Yes, generally wear shoes. If I don’t, I don’t work around the house well. I think that was a fly lady idea??

The best thing about this giveaway is finding loads of new blogs! I would choose the halloween pattern. I do not like to wear shoes, but I do have to wear them so just have to get on with it!

I don’t usually read your blog, just visiting for the giveaway. I usually have shoes or slippers on, although I don’t always like it. We have tile floor which are cold in the winter and cold in the summer when the air is on.

I’d love the cars pattern! And I would love to go through life bare foot!
Greetings from Chile!

Lets see if I am paying attention…no I don’t read your blog normally because this is the first time I have been here, and yes I like to wear shoes, it hurts when you step on stickers!! I like your cars pattern too by the way!

Just started reading your blog 🙂
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the soft linkable cars pattern! The little people in my house would love to play with such adorable little cars.
I like to wear shoes…. but only comfy ones. I also love to be barefoot and absolutely must have comfy warm socks in the winter.

I haven’t been to your blog before. I don’t wear shoes inside my home, and nor do most people in Finland. Well at least the people I know.

I don’t normally read your blog; I just found it via the giveaway.

I wear shoes outside, but not inside the house. I do mostly wear socks inside, but that’s because it’s been chilly all winter and I want warm toesies!

I prefer flip flops or slippers. Or barefoot, if pregnant or in the sand. Ha! 🙂 Your patterns are cute. I can’t wait to see your other ones!

I just found your blog from sew mama sew and I prefer just wearing slippers, not shoes. I especially like flip flop slippers!

And I like the linkable cars pattern! Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Amandaewoodruff at yahoo dot com

Hate wearing shoes!!! Hate them! I just found your website through this giveaway brewhaha and am excited to return once I find my shoes, to go to the store. Did I mention I hate to wear shoes? Thank you for your generous giveaway! Love the little cars with their lil’ passengers!
nsue21702 at gmail dot com

I’ve never read your blog before. I wear shoes when it is cold or rainy, but I prefer to be barefoot indoors all the time and outdoors during the summer.

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