Dragon Wreaking Havoc

We have spent the last two (practically blog-less) weeks getting Penelope to sleep in Rebecca’s room rather than ours. Rebecca has been asking for this since Penelope was born, so that’s not a worry, but Penelope is rather less convinced. Previously she has always crawled out of her co-sleeper and into bed with me, spending the rest of the night demanding snuggles like the cutest little teddy bear ever. I’m sure this has something to do with my husband finally needing to take on the job of night weaning her, because I was failing miserably! Well, I thought we were doing pretty well, she wasn’t nursing before 3am anymore, but he was not impressed. Turns out we picked a really brilliant time though, we thought she was just working on one next-to-front tooth, but she was sneaking in two molars on the top! Things are looking up though, and we might actually be getting more sleep than we were previously rather than less… She’s getting less irate about things anyway.

And now I am supposed to be packing for a week trip to Vermont, for grandparents and a wedding, and I am NOT taking my computer with me! I’m not sure what I’m going to do!

For your amusement, here is the bio I just sent in (after procrastinating until they demanded it for the final edit) to the next One Yard Wonders book:

Katherine loves to make things, anythings! Robots, princess hats, quilts, felt barrettes, an articulated metal hand, her wedding dress, chain mail, dinner, a lego powered animatronic birthday cake… These days it’s mostly toys and clothes for her young daughters, (and meal after meal), but she’s really looking forward to the day when her girls are old enough to join her in wild robotic-textile mashups and dreams of getting a family booth at Maker Faire with her awesome maker husband. Catch some of their exploits at http://oneinchworld.com.

I super hate writing about myself! Wait, why do I have a blog? Right, it’s not about me, never about me, hahaha! I suppose I hate trying to sum up my entire being in 125 words or less? Hate writing advertising copy? Am embarrassed trying to sound like my life is not a train wreck of soggy diapers and a living room that you can’t walk across without slipping on drawing paper and board books?

And now I need to finish packing before I fall over! See you in a week or so.


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Love, love, love the photo and post subject!

I made my wedding dress, too! But an articulated metal hand? That is awesome! Can you post photos?

And you’ve added another reason to my list of why it would be nice to move to California – the Maker Faire!

I wanted to post photos, but I was supposed to be packing!  I will try to get a photo of my hand, it is really just a jointed skeleton, but it has fishing line tendons to all of the bones, going to springs on little pegs that you can pull down to different holes to pose the hand different ways.  That description is rubish!  I need to go to bed.  Isn’t there a Maker Faire in Boston now?  I know they’ve been expanding…

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