May Giveaway Day Winner + Coupon

Long story short, my inability to count combined with gave me The Hungry Crafter. Long story, I rolled, counted from the wrong end, counted in my comment log from the right end, counted from the wrong page of my displayed comments, counted from the wrong end of the right page of my displayed comments, and got so confused about all the different people I’d counted along the way who I sort of wanted to win, that I decided all I could properly do was go with the first one, because if there is a strange set of fates then they would have predicted that I would count from the wrong end when they gave me the first number. And then you can argue in circles from there about how they (the theoretical fates) knew that I would figure out I had made a mistake and try to fix it, whereupon it starts to get fabulously muddy. But obviously I am spectacularly talented to NOT be able to properly pull a number out of a hat. CONGRATULATIONS to The Hungry Crafter! Right!

And, since I really want to send my pattern to all you fabulous people that don’t even know you were temporary winners, but I am still actually trying to experiment with running a so far rather ineffective little business, here is a coupon code for 50% off my Etsy store for the next week. MAYGIVE50 Everyone wins! Maybe? I have a headache now. And I’ve never done coupon codes, we’ll see if it even works. Woo!

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