Felt Farfalle (Bowtie) Pasta

More playfood, this is ridiculously easy to make. You may notice that the finished pasta is a different color than the in-process pasta… My daughter broke my last felting needle while I was wraping the second-to-last felting needle that I had just broken in tape to throw it away… Oy. Her punishment was having to go to the (boring) quilting store to buy me new felting needles. (^_^)

Cut a felt rectangle 1.5" by however long you want.  Each inch of length will make one pasta.
Cut a felt rectangle 1.5" by however long you want. Each inch of length will make one pasta.
Pink the long edges of your rectangle.
Pink the long edges of your rectangle.
Cut into approximately 1" wide sections.
Cut into approximately 1" wide sections.
Fold felt into a W the long way, and needle felt or stitch in the middle.  Don't felt it too much or you will thin the felt and it will rip.
Fold felt into a W the long way, and needle felt, stitch, or heck, glue, in the middle. If you needle felt, don't felt it too much or you will thin the felt and it will rip.


Done! Wasn’t that easy? And aren’t they cute? I don’t know how well they’ll hold up to a playful two year old, I’ll have to wait and see…


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this is making me hungry. i’m obsessed with felted food.

Can I use one or two of your photos in a blog post about your tutorial on indiecrafts.craftgossip.com?

Let me know!

I love these! They were so easy to make and my 3-year old (and 7-year old!) thinks they’re great fun. I’ve posted a link to you.

Thanks so much for this awesome idea… I can’t wait to try making more felt food!

I made these a couple years ago in 3 colors and gifted them in jars found at the dollar store. All the little girls on my Christmas list got them

We made alot of bowties for the little one. Too bad I didn’t see this then, he might have become a chef rather than a lawyer who wishes he was a chef!

They are darling and the best play food I’ve ever seen.

What a sweet thing to say, thanks so much!  Your crib kit is really cute too.  Too bad my toddler refuses to have anything to do with her crib!

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