Give-Away Day/Week

Comment this week, get a chance to win free stuff!  I know, I know, the Sew Mama Sew rules specified Give-Away *Day*, but this is a weekly-ish blog, so that just wouldn’t be fair around here.  So comment anytime in the next week, comments will close after my daughter goes to bed on Tuesday the 9th, and a winner will be announced the next morning, after I get through reading the comments.  

But not just any comments, your comment must contain the name of your favorite craft blog, and if you want to get a double chance to win, also include the name of your favorite blog or website for fun educational games or crafts to do with two to three year olds.  Because that’s what I need more of around here.  🙂  I don’t expect everyone to have one of those, that’s why it’s the bonus chance.  I’ll print out everyone’s names once or twice (or heck, maybe three times if I really like your blog suggestion) and have my daughter draw one of them out of a hat.  So it’ll be random, but perhaps skewed towards my favorite responses.  Because I get to make the rules.  I never get to make the rules… hahahahaha er, maybe I need to go to bed.  But I’m not done yet.

What do you win?  What do you want to win?  You should put that in your comment too, because I’m curious what everyone would pick even if they don’t win.  Your choice of one of these super cute walnut babies (100% wool felt, cotton embroidery floss, polyester stuffing & one genuine local pesticide free walnut shell) to hang on your christmas tree or tuck in a doll house (that’s what my daughter does), or a set of 12 felted ravioli (ecospun felt made from recycled plastic bottles and cotton filling).  I’m obviously scatter brained, because my natural fiber craft is stuffed with polyester, and my plastic felt is stuffed with cotton.  That’s just what you get around here.

I wanted to start an Etsy store, that was my motivation for finishing these four walnut babies (I would have made the babies, but never lined their shells properly because that isn’t as fun).  But in the end it takes me too long to make them to sell for any reasonable price.  From start to finish they take me three hours I think, tiny tiny stitches, although it’s a bit hard to time, since I have a two year old my crafting is done in 20 minute intervals half of them at the playground.  But if I were to follow pricing formulas, just for wholesale I should be paying myself something like $10 an hour which works out to $30, then with outrageous x2 or x3 calculations for retail that would come out to something utterly ridiculous.  I’d be perfectly happy with the $30, but I can’t imagine anyone paying that.  So instead I’ll give them away.  Because free is better than underpaid, or, um, something.  Yah, it’s past my bedtime.  Maybe I’ll open an Etsy store next week, but really, I already have at least two jobs and I need to be kinder to myself.

Walnut shells. What would you do if you had a bag of walnuts from your friends tree? They must be crafted with. Next I want to make sailboats. Too many projects. Too few hours until my daughter wakes up. Must go to sleep.

So leave me a comment, I *will* ship internationally, make sure to get your email address right, give me a craft blog and an education blog and tell me what you’d pick if you win.  I’ll email the winner for your address on the 10th. And check out Sew Mama Sew if it’s still December 3rd to see a list of other blogs having give-aways.


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Love your stuff! My favorite craft blog is probably Angry Chicken. My favorite blog for craft ideas for kids is The Crafty Crow. I get lost in that blog daily!

What a fun Drawing you’ve created.
I love making up the Rules too!
Today my favorite crafty site is
Sew, Mama, Sew cause it led me to yours.

Here’s a fun site for Littles. I use to visit it when mine were Littles. Now they’re…7 & 8.

I haven’t had a chance to discover all your treasures, so I would want a Surprise. Thanks for the fun.
Lois in Kansas

Those ravioli are fabulous. The walnut babies would not survive in this house. We have a large (about three foot tall) nutcraker and my children are obsessed with using it!

Favorite craft blog: Skip to My Lou

Favorite site with games for really young kids –

Thanks for the chance to win, Beth

I love the walnut babies!! We had a walnut mouse baby on our christmas tree when I was little and it was always my favorite ornament!

Favorite craft site for me: crazymomquilts
For kids: the crafty crow
what would I pick: a walnut baby. They are toocute!

My favorite craft blog is One Pretty Thing & I also like Crafty Crow. I’d pick the walnut baby & my girls could fight over it, or maybe I’d keep mysef. I agree giving away is better then underpaid. Giving away makes you feel good, while being underpaid will grate on you.

LOVE LOVE LOVE the babies in the walnut shells!!!!! Reminds me of the ornaments I once made lining the insides of milkweed pods with velvet and tinsel!

I love the walnut babies, my grandma made one that my mom hangs on their Christmas tree every year. My favorite craft blog right now is probably bluebirdbaby, and I just found Kids Craft Weekly. It looks pretty neat! Thank you for such a great giveaway!

okay, first of all…i love those little walnut babies! i think my pasta loving daughter would adore the raviolis, too, but i’d have to say she would go ga-ga over the baby!
my favorite crafty blog is soulemama! great inspiration!
this is not exactly an educational blog, but a craft that my little one adored at your daughter’s age:
have fun with that one and be ready to keep printing those little guys!
thanks for hosting a fantastic give away!
🙂 rae

Those walnut babies are adorable! I’d pick them! I worked at a place once where there was a naturalist on staff and one day he gave us all walnut shells as a token of his regard. They were just the shells, and he pointed out how they had little hearts inside and how he enjoyed collecting the “walnut hearts” as a boy. That was a happy memory and your walnut babies remind me of it!

Thank you for letting me be in your drawing.

I just started to try and make some play food for my daughter and these ravioli are fabulous.

My fav crafty blog – well there are so many. One I love for the view into being crafty in a totally different world is It can’t be easy in Africa but she sure makes it look great.

I would def choos ethe raviolis. We are really into felt food around here. As for websites, All I really do on the computer for my daughter is print our free coloring pages. 😛
As for my favrite craft blog, I’d have to go with
Oh Fransson:
Quiltdad: (male crafters are so awesome!)
Happy Things:

I quilt, so I love quilt blogs.

Thanks for your generosity!

I like the little brown walnut baby. They remind me of gumnut babies, from an Australian book we read as children. Seriously cute.

My favorite website is, although I am very partial to geek crafts and sprite stitch, because I am a serious nerd. Can’t help with the kids’ activities… been out of teaching too long.

Happy giveaway day-ing!

I would love any of these, but I have to say the Ravioli because I’ve been meaning to make some for my son and this would be instant satisfaction for him!
I like soulemama as it seems to incorporate both craft and educational things!

Wow do I know how you feel. I have a 21 month old and a 4 month old and every project I start ends up taking 3 times as long as my oldest son wants to “help” and my youngest son wants to “eat”. Lovely!
Anyway… here’s my suggestions….
my favorite blog of all time is Angry Chicken. and my favorite kids craft blog is Make and Takes There’s often some good crafts in there for the 2-3 year old range, as long as you want to help!
One more good craft blog is mmmcrafts although usually her crafts are a little more for the parents then the kids, just depends on the day though!

I think my son would actually like the walnut babies, as he seems facinated with the christmas tree ornaments this year and also with babies now that he has a baby brother.

Hope that helps!

I love love love the walnut babies! My parents actually have a walnut baby that my paternal grandfather brought back from one of his travels, and I’d love to have one of my own. Please open an etsy shop, so I can have a walnut baby even if I don’t win, please!

sooo sweet
I love both the babies and the ravioli (I’m Italian after all)
thanks for the chance

I like those little walnut babies. I’m raising 3 daughters ages 8 to 18 and they’ve all started out on sesame street- the online version is a good starter for a toddler, and they have good printables. My personal favorite blog has always been angry chicken, we have the 3 daughter thing in common- among other things. Thanks for the opportunity.

Wow, I LOVE those walnut babies. They’re so cute and so perfect. That’s what I’d pick if I won.
My favorite craft blog is, of course, Sew Mama Sew. Whenever I’m thinking of trying something or need inspiration there’s a tutorial there. It’s such a great collection of ideas and people.
My favorite educational/craft blog with kids in mind is PlumPudding. She has so many ideas for crafting with children and many involve recycling or very inexpensive materials. Perfect for frugal mamas!

I’m the youngest of 3 girls. My two sisters and I fought as adults over who would get the one peanut angel from our parent’s Christmas tree (I lost). Your walnut babies are as cute as our peanut angel : )

I check out Soulemama’s blog daily…it’s always inspiring. ( For the little ones ( I have a 2 1/2 yr old and a 5 yr old) I like the and scrumdilly-do.blogspot. They both have tons of great ideas at every level!

I love the brown crying baby(very life like)
I also love the purple one…. ok ok I love them all!
I also love your 12 felted ravioli!!!
Your crafts are sew cute!!! Good luck at your etsy!
Here are the sites I love!
( sorta like sew mamma sew~ crafts from all over bloggdom!)
here is her gift guide
This is a very nice lady that I find fun to read
and this gal is fun too…
This is a fun site for crafts too
This is a great site~
as is this!
THis is one of my faves if you scroll down to your right you will see
a lot of play sites for the kids like a ginger bread house they can make!
This is a site that you can print out cute boxes!
this is also the same
These are cute little trains that make boxes just click on the trains and
print them out!
Now for the kiddies
This is a fun site!
THis site is cool too!
as is this tooo!
This site is I think for mamma for and about kiddies crafts.
This is fun too!
I have to go take care of the babies (cant type with a little ones
in your lap!) If you want more sites let me know….but these
are enought to last you till next year*not too long from now~*)
I also send you a internet site for internet paper dolls
*I have had nortons 360 to check this site is my daughters fav~*
and this site you have to watch her so she does not wonder around
to other sites but it is dress up Laura ingalls!
Have fun!!!!
And if you have mario fans this is a site my 12 year old loves
you make your own mario game!

Have fun all Good luck and Happy Holidays!
Take care,
Rane and Kids

aw, your walnut babies are so cute! I think I would go for the ravioli, though, because my2 year old is very into pretend food right now.

anyway, i can’t possibly pick one favorite craft blog– there are so many! but I will say that lately I am totally addicted to flickr and seeing what all the crafty world is up to- so much so that I am on the computer way more than I am actually crafting myself!

I like for crafting w/ the kidlets

Okay, I hope I remember all of the goodies for you. 1) my favorite blog is probably sew liberated or pink chalk studio. 2) my favorite blog for kid stuff: 3) Now, my choice… I love the walnut babies–I like the orange and brown one and the pink and purple one best, but I think their charm is in their abundance.

Oh, you are so sweet! And the walnut babies are adorable! I can totally see them being worth $30, but can’t really see myself buying them for that. Because of the budget, you know. So I guess I’m not so helpful…
1) Favorite crafty blog is probably SouleMama or WeeWonderfuls, although I’ve “met” so many new wonderful crafty blogs in the last couple of days, that just may change! :u)
2) Kid stuff – Kiddley is awesome – they’re on hiatus right now, but the blog is still there, and there are tons of things in the archives.
3) I think I’d like the little orange or blue dolly. But really I’d be o-so-pleased with any of them!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Great giveaway! I do love sew mama sew these days because they link to so many great tutorials. The walnut babies are the best. But my son may like the ravioli.

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