Brown Rice Onigiri


This is cheating, but if you like to make rice balls, and you like to only cook with brown rice, if you just can’t make them sticky enough, I had an epiphany. I’m sure other people have discovered this before, but I’m still going to enjoy my mischievous flash of brilliance. What is sticky and made of rice? Mochi! What is the easy way of making mochi? Using mochi/rice flour and microwaving it with water and sugar and flavoring. What happens when you add a little mochi flour to the brown rice along with the soy sauce/vinegar/ponzu sauce/sugar/salt/whatever for your rice and then microwave it to make it hot? It gets sticky! Is this cheating? Of course. Does it work? Yes! So now I can make brown rice onigiri that don’t fall apart. Just add a sprinkle of mochi flour to your rice when it is hot and you are mixing in everything else. Magic sticky rice glue.

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