Painting with Stuff – Art Playgroup Friday

We got back from vacation Thursday night, and dove into art playgroup Friday morning. Because we wanted to see our friends, not because we are crazy. I think I said we would be doing sponge panting, but in the end, as far as I got was getting out a random assortment of texture painting tools from my art drawers.


Some crumpled up tinfoil, bubble wrap around newspaper, plastic spoons, wine corks, a clay carving tool, a popsicle stick, and a plastic rolling pin. The rolling pin was a new paint toy, and Rebecca really enjoyed experimenting with it. I’m sorry I forgot to get out the sponges, I think she would have fun with that too since we haven’t tried it before, we’ll have to do it another day. My third trimester energy levels really seem to be going down hill though, I didn’t even manage to get any pictures of the mess making in action.

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