Penelope Jane


Penelope Jane was born Friday the 14th, around 11:30am, at about 7lbs 18″. We didn’t get to have a homebirth this time for dumb insurance reasons, but we did have a perfectly acceptable natural hospital birth, and we were all home and happy relatively quickly.

Rebecca is a thrilled and doting older sister, and Penelope is still in the happy sleepy newborn phase, and thus perfect. We’ll see if she grows into a sleepless colicky terror in the next month. 🙂



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Browsing through your site looking at all the wonderful projects–and I see congrats on your new baby.

Too funny to me–I have a 3 month old–her name is Penelope–and a 3 year old–whose name is Jane.

So love that you put the two of them together! Enjoy your girls, it’s a blast.

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