Kid Empowerment

faucet extention

We try to make our house as child accessible as possible, but the kitchen sink faucet has been slow coming – she can always walk over to the bathroom, but sometimes that isn’t such a good idea, say when her hands are dripping paint. Because as much as you tell a three year old not to touch anything on their way to the bathroom, their concentration isn’t always there.

So now with a four inch piece of wood and some rubber bands Rebecca can turn on the kitchen sink too. As long as the lever is pointing forwards, and isn’t completely inaccessible off to the side. It’s an improvement anyway, we’ll see if it’s as successful as the dowel-and-plastic-tubing enhanced light switch in the bathroom.

So, hurrah, I made something today. 🙂 And yesterday I made pizza (including the crust), signaling the end of my I’m-not-cooking-I-have-a-baby period I guess. Really it was fueled by my growing frustration that even living in California, the land of hippy food, I can’t order a pizza around here with a whole wheat crust, and hey, one quarter no cheese for my picky daughter.

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