Pattern Blocks

Pattern Blocks

[Photo by Rebecca]

Inspired to get around to it by Thrifty Craft Mama I put away our set of pattern blocks with pattern cards and got out the thicker set that didn’t have any pattern cards. The pattern cards were too slippery and frustrating for Rebecca, she wanted her shapes to line up perfectly, and they were always getting bumped a little bit, so she didn’t want to play with them anymore. Once we put the pattern cards away she was able to have a lot more fun laying out strips of triangles and making her own stars. Then we started building mountains and little houses, and that was even more fun.

And I like making really complex mandalas too. Most of my creative energy recently has been going to cleaning and organizing, there is much too much clutter and not enough space and I think it’s bad for me and Rebecca. (That and energy going towards taking care of Penelope and not abandoning Rebecca.) So I’m not sure there is going to be too much craftyness around here for a little while. Maybe next week I can take a picture of my refolded and boxed fabric stash, right now it’s gotten to the point of being crammed in on top of the books on the bookcase and in shoeboxes that stick out further than the shelves. I got some boxes from IKEA that actually fit on the shelves, and I’m trying to rearrange everything to be more visually uniform and relaxing. And not covering every horizontal and vertical surface… sigh.

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Rebecca took a beautiful picture!

I’m so impressed that you’ve been organizing. That’s what I need to be doing, I have things sitting on top of books on our bookshelves too, plus in bags and boxes needing sorting. Sigh…

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