
There is a lot of sistering going on around here. Sometimes it is gentle and loving, but it seems like there is often a little bit of “I’m going to kill you in a very affectionate way so that mom doesn’t yell at me.” I haven’t figured out what to do about that.
RideI am constantly ‘reminding’ her not to blow in the babies face (to startle her), not to smush up her cheeks, not to touch the baby, however ‘gently’, with her foot, not to pick the baby up by her head, not to pick the baby up at all, not to jump over the baby!… Luckily I have two very sturdy girls.

I try to let Rebecca play with Penelope in any reasonable and safe way that she wants, so that she feels some sisterly ownership – like pulling her around in that cardboard sled (carefully!) And I’m trying to spend enough time doing things with Rebecca, but Penelope is almost always there, and when Jesse is home it is useless to have him take care of Penelope so that I can spend time with Rebecca, because when Jesse is home Rebecca would rather play with him. Because he’s better at playing dolls than I am. He is, really. I get too easily distracted by setting things up for the dolls, or trying to convince Rebecca to make something for the dolls, while daddy leaves the props alone and just sits there and ‘talks’ them and flies them around, and tells stories, which of course is the important and hard part. I got sidetracked, didn’t I?


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Love the cardboard sled! When my older boys were little (15 1/2 mos, apart) it was the laundry basket! My oldest’s favorite thing to do was “pat baby’s head” lovingly. At least until we turned our backs, then it was a very forceful love pat!! Totally normal with little ones, it’ll pass…when one moves out! lol Seriously, it took my oldest going off to college for my two combatants to start to get along. Don’t be scared though, girls are SO different than boys. It won’t be long before your two little darlings are plotting against you together….kidding…no, seriously…really I’m kidding…wellllll….
(All meant in good fun, hope you don’t take my post the wrong way)

Your cardboard sled idea is brilliant, we need to make one of those! I loved your “I’m going to kill you in a very affectionate way so that mom doesn’t yell at me.” line – we have the same struggle in our house!

love seeing the girls together, thanks for this post K, and it’s totally natural that R would test the boundaries of how she can play and how she feels about the little rival… it’s hilarious about how jesse plays dolls better than you. your post fills my heart…

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