May Giveaway Day

Well, we survived Rebecca’s birthday yesterday, although I fell asleep at 7:30pm and slept until almost 7am – not counting waking up every two hours to nurse Penelope of course… But our house is still a disaster and I have looming deadlines for my One Yard Wonders projects so I wasn’t going to do this, but hey, someone else mentioned it, and I still had about 10 minutes to sign up, so sure, why not.

And what will you win? Oh, right. Well, I would say any pattern in my Etsy store, but because of my move, two half finished soft-circuit patterns, and getting distracted by the next One Yard Wonders book there is only one pattern in my Etsy store. Technically there is a Halloween pattern too, but I’m not reposting that until July, what? I should just relist it now and stop being mad at Etsy for not letting you change the number of items for sale before charging you for relisting all of them? Yes, I’m mad at Etsy. Stupid Etsy. Okay, okay.

So your choice of two patterns. Comment on this post, tell me whether your read my blog normally, and whether you like to wear shoes, just so I can tell who is paying attention, and yes, I will email internationally! As mandated by the Sew Mama Sew post the giveaway will be open until through the 20th, and I will ‘ship’ by the 24th.

So comment, (were you paying attention?) and then head back to Sew Mama Sew to check out the rest of the giveaways going on. Should be good times. I’m off to pack lunch for tomorrow, then crash, bed.


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oohh clever! yes i am paying attention and I love wearing slippers!! does that count?? but i do love that fabric car pattern – i do i hope i win πŸ˜‰

I am here for the first time – but I love your blog. I will add it to my folloer-list! I love the texture book!!! I was looking for something like this to make for my little one. But I was thinking much more elaborate … and well, it usually ends up never to be made. This sounds easy and rather quick! THANKS for the inspiration!
Oh, and I do wear shoes. But in summer I love to be barefoot. In the house as well. In winter I love to wear thick socks in the house.
And I would love to win the car pattern! That one looks so cute. I have never seen something similar. Thanks for the chance!

I put my shoes on before leaving the bed room each day. this is the first time I have seen your site. But it appears to me you are a very busy lady.

Great giveaway. This is the first time I have been to your website but I am putting you in my Google Reader and plan to be back. I am really enjoying finding all the new blogs through this big giveaway.

And if I’m inside I don’t like shoes, but I want them on outside. (I was paying attention) πŸ™‚

I love the Halloween pattern. I wear shoes when I leave the house, right now, just sock. πŸ™‚ I am not a regular reader of your blog, but I know I’ve been here before, now, if I can only figure out why, because I’m thinking that I bookmarked one of your posts on my old computer – lol.

krispiks (at) aol (dot) com

I like the little cars. IT seems that there is not very much stuff for little boys out there. I prefer to go barefoot around the house and yard but then my feet get so dry and ugly that i feel like i need to wear shoes to hide them. Oh well. Thanks for the giveaway.

I love that car pattern!
This is my first visit to your blog and when I’m walking around the house I don’t like wearing shoes, but overall don’t mind them at all.

hi.yes i do wear a shoe lover and am a shoe collector.
thanks for the giveaway.


I like your Halloween pattern, I was born on Halloween so I always love anything for that holiday πŸ˜‰

As for shoes, I prefer to be barefoot. When I’m out and about, I wear shoes that are as close to barefoot as possible, Birkenstocks, Crocs, Swedish Clogs, Flip Flops and the like πŸ˜‰


Hi! I do not normally read your blog and I don’t like to wear shoes either. haha – I am laughing over your questions though. It’s true you have to filter out those who read requirements and those who don’t. Have a great day!Thanks for the great giveaway!

Thanks for the giveaway, I was actually paying attention enough to catch that I do NOT like to wear shoes and neither do my kids. I usually wear my Rainbow Sandals all year long-easy on and off. I like th Halloween pattern, super cute. Thanks again.

My daughter asked me to enter some of these giveaways for her since her computer is not working… she said I could even win something for my wife in some of the contest
I hope I am doing the entering the right way. Tom in Florida

I am not a regular reader of your blog…sorry…but I might have to become one. I love your tutorials and I have a bunch of left over felt. I take my shoes off as soon as I get inside and love to go barefoot. I love the car pattern.

HELLO from France, come to visit you for the first time… but will come back as I love fun with children and you seem to have a lot of !

Like any pattern (cars or ?) and like being barefoot at home.

In summer I don’t wear shoes as often as possible! πŸ˜‰

The Halloween treat balls are GREAT! πŸ™‚ The pattern would be fantastic.

Greetings from Munich,

Hello πŸ™‚ Great items and great blog! I am a long time lurker LOL and I hate to wear shoes!
Thank you so much for the giveaway,
Elle8130(at)yahoo(dot) com

I am not a regular reader but I have enjoyed it! And…no I don’t like wearing shoes.

I love the little cars pattern.

Thanks for sharing,

I have not been a regular reader, I found your blog through the giveaway links, but am really enjoying it! I prefer not to wear shoes, and if I do have to wear shoes I love my crocs πŸ™‚

I discovered your blog via Sew, Mama, Sew, but I’ve bookmarked it and sense that I’m going to be spending quite a lot of time here! I’m…very pregnant right now, so shoes are NOT my friends at the moment. My feet are quite enjoying the freedom being being barefoot most of the day, and a sturdy pair of flip-flops (which sounds like an oxymoron) is all I can manage on my own when it’s time to go out.

I just found your blog, so I’m not yet a regular reader. I would prefer no shoes. But the ground is so cold here in Oregon most of the time….

I don’t read your blog normally, every thing I do is pretty much abnormal. πŸ˜‰ Do I like to wear shoes? It depends. Birkenstocks are very comfortable. As are sneakers. Even some heels are comfortable but they have to have a rounded toe or my feet hurt. So for the most part I’d say I prefer slippers to shoes as much as I can get away with it, but sometimes you just can’t get around it.

this is the first time I pay your blog a visit. Reading blogs is not easy for me, problem of filtered internet access…
As for shoes, I love to go barefoot but I hate having cold feet… Kind of an internal drama !

Is my first time reading your blog and I like the things you made!! I specially love your tutorials ^^ and of course I would love to win the lovely patterns. I don’t like to wear shoes, I prefer sandals =p

I am not a regular reader but I’ve enjoyed what I’ve seen so far. I do like shoes, but I also like barefeet! I really like the top pattern of the cars – quite cute!

I just found your blog. Would love the little cars, they are too cute. Sorry to hear about your etsy shop – you could load up on a bunch of patterns being listed.
I love being barefoot. I got a lot of strange looks walking through the supermarket in my stockings (but my feet hurt?! what was I to do, suffer?).
ummabbaas AT yahoo DOT com

Oh, the little cars are so sweet! And we don’t wear shoes inside, but some slippers I’ve made by felting old sweaters, to keep the floor from getting too muddy. And I’m a first time reader, but enjoying my visit πŸ™‚

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