Traveling Fabric Design

Do you think this design is cute? Then you should go vote for it (and whatever else you like) at the Spoonflower weekly fabric design contest. I designed it. I’m having fun with their themes. I don’t think I’m going to enter next week, but the collage theme after that sounds like fun.

In other news, we had a great Vermont day today. It started with my waking up at 5am. That’s okay, I probably fell asleep around 9, and Penelope only wakes me up 3 times at night now instead of 5 or something. Those first four hours are the really important ones for not being a zombie, so I’m grateful. I got sidetracked.

We dropped Grandma/Nenny off at work, then went and played in the river for 45 minutes. It’s a lovely wide shallow river, so we waded out into the middle where there was a huge rock to climb on. Rebecca got soaking wet of course, and ended up in her underwear. Then we went to a happy cafe for morning snack. Then we went to a bigger-on-the-inside-than-the-outside antique store, where we bought Jesse’s sister some willow ware for her collection. Then we had a lovely lunch and Jesse had a beer sampler at the Long Trail brewery, sitting right next to the same beautiful river. One more antique store, the grocery store, and we picked up Nenny and went home.

Rebecca, D-Pa and Nenny went out to an evening concert and ice cream on the village green, but mom and dad and Penelope were too tired!

Don’t forget to vote for my fabric design! 😀


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