
We celebrated Penelope’s 2nd birthday yesterday, along with her friend Yash’s 3rd birthday, Penelopalooza 2 / Yashfest 3. Good times. These rockets are what we gave away as our thank you presents, because I realized that I did not want to give money to Oriental Trading / Diddams. Hate them. Love these rockets! I think they are so cute, but hey, I made them. I thought I was making 15, but at the end there were 16. Hmm. I think it was the first prototype that didn’t get counted. Can you find the first two rockets that don’t have flames? Penelope appropriated the very first one as it was finished, and when she got to pick out a rocket from the 16 lined up at the party, she unerringly found that specific one and grabbed it. Not what I was expecting! Clearly not going to pull a switch over on her without her noticing. Hmm.

May turn these into a pattern, and it may jump over the pattern in my queue that has been completely stalled for the last two months. Because I am scared of finishing things. Woo. But I finished these rockets. 5 minutes before the party. That counts, it does! *Before*. Heh. Deadlines help a lot. Possibly I need more of them.


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Thanks jo, someone commented they looked like ninja astronauts, and I thought of you and your recent cake. 🙂

Thanks Maryanne, hopefully I’ll be sending you a pattern for them, you know, sometime in the next six years…

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