Fuzzy Animals

Sometimes on Friday I am at a little bit of a loss as to what the heck we are going to do. Sometimes I blog surf for a little while, sometimes I go stare at one of the, um, five(?!), (okay, so one of those is just paper…), places that I keep the kids art supplies, and hope for inspiration to strike, with various levels of desperation, depending on whether or not there are *already* hordes of 5 year olds and their siblings running amok and I still don’t have any ideas. And honestly some weeks I never get there, and no one cares, except possibly Ellie, who likes ritual and predictability.

This week we fell back on ‘what is in this box in the closet?’

Which was a large unopened bag of pompoms, pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks and stick on googly eyes. I threw in markers and glue guns for good measure, and said we were making monsters, or anything else you could think of.

We went through a stunning number of popsicle sticks, I mean, we’ve slowly been going through that box for YEARS, and then bang, the last half box was gone. I also thought it was interesting how many pompoms they could attach to the popsicle sticks just by wrapping them with pipe cleaners. Lots of wrapping and sticking and drawing and glueing, and out came lots and lots of monsters and some other curious frames and constructions. This turned out to be a very absorbing project for most of the 5yos, but not the younger kids.

Where do you get your art project ideas from when you are stumped?


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When I’m stuck without ideas I go on blog like yours ^^ . Sorry not very helpful for you is it?
Lovely result, I love the… catterpilar?
One thing you can do with the pipe cleaners is to put them inside a spool-knitted cord (while knitting it) to then shape the cord as you wish.

Not useful but flattering! 🙂 I was just curious. I think it is a caterpillar, if it is anything other than a ‘monster creature’.
The cords and pipe cleaners sound fun, I enjoy felting around pipe cleaners, which may or may not be faster.

Honestly, I can’t wait for my two and half yr old twins to get just a teensy bit older in order to sit down and do a craft. For more than like 3 minutes. Yikes!

I like the monster making craft though!


I’m sure they’ll slow down a little, but they seem to keep their personalities as they age! We have a younger sibling in our group who is often not interested in the projects, but every once in a while we find just the right project for him and he will concentrate on it for an hour.

What a cute idea! When I’m stumped I let the kids grab some craft supplies and do whatever they want with them. Luckily for me they’re pretty happy with that solution – and they come up with some fun things!

Can get messy, though…

Now that we have a tiny house and more art girls I try to confine the messy crafts to the warmer days! But my girls have general access to most supplies.

We just discovered mold in their room, and have ripped everything apart and bought a new bed, the upshot is I have a couple nice enormous sheets of cardboard! I’m thinking about making some changeable bed fort scene change-y things. We’ll see!

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