Wet felting is so satisfying, you start out with some fluff and end up with something really hard yet astonishingly light, for a bowl anyway. I love this little bowl. I have no idea what to do with it though, other than fantasizing about having a booth at the next Art & Wine festival stuffed with wodgy felt bowls, but to get there I would probably have to sacrifice the functionality of my hands… No good.
I made this bowl by cutting out a circle in some craft foam and wrapping it in layers of wet felt, felting it by rolling in a bamboo mat, cutting a hole in the top, pulling out the resist and then rubbing and rubbing and rubbing with this magic plastic stick with a ball on the end that I pulled out of my friends goodwill pile. I have no idea what it used to be, but it is an awesome felting tool! If I didn’t have it I would probably use a spoon. If you want to learn how to do this sort of wet felting there is a great tutorial at rosiepink, no need for me to reinvent the wheel!
One of the great things about wet felting is that you don’t need any tools at all, and both my daughters will play around creating their own ‘projects’.
I have no idea what this is, but it has some awesome flappy bits, and some neat places to stick your fingers through. My mother-in-law sent us a textured felt something or other as a baby, um, chewy/textured soft petting object. I had no idea what that was either. I’m thinking Penelope should be designing baby toys. 🙂
As we say over and over in our Arts Focus Textiles class, to make felt you need three things, heat, agitation and water. Okay, okay, you also need some wool! So grab some wool, get it wet, and start rubbing. (Heat from friction). Something is bound to happen! Why do I suddenly want to wet felt rings? Would that even work?
Add Yours →Your bowl is so cool! My one attempt at wet felting looked a lot like your daughter’s creation. Maybe I’ll check out that tutorial and give it another try sometime.
I find with wet felting it helps keep things ‘together’ if you wet each layer as you go, because the wet felt wraps more tightly than lofty dry felt. If you wrap it dry, and then get it wet, you tend to end up with a big loopy mess.