Felt Button Tree Ornaments

Wow there were a lot of blog give aways yesterday! After reading blogs for about a hour I got a blog headache, and an ‘I’ve looked at too many other people’s creative projects and I haven’t DONE anything’ headache, so Rebecca and I jumped into a short craft project which turned out to be a mama and daughter pair of tree ornaments that I’m sure we’ll keep forever.

I cut each of us a 4″ diameter quarter circle out of green felt for the tree, then we sewed buttons all over that. Then I sewed my tree shut, added some more buttons over the seam, and put a ribbon loop at the top. Rebecca sewed the ribbon loop to her green ball with a button on it. (She got one button on!) Then I traced around the bottom of my tree cone, and cut out two circles for the bottom of the cone. I sewed mine most of the way on, while Rebecca sewed her brown felt lump to her green felt lump, then she helped me stuff the tree with a knitting needle and I sewed it the rest of the way shut.

It was a really quick project, cured my blog headache, and Rebecca had fun playing with buttons, handing me buttons to put on my tree when she got tired of sewing hers, and sorting them into piles. I threaded the needles and tied the knots for her, but she did all her own sewing. Here is what we each made:

Who says you shouldn’t give sharp needles to two year olds? Psh. (Okay, not if you have a kid who likes to put things in their mouths…) I think these make an awesome pair of ornaments that I am going to adore forever. We’ll have to turn it into a tradition.


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I really enjoyed your writing.
The craft is a nice, simple one.
That way our Dear Darlings can enjoy the time creating/learning by doing.
Seems like I do so much “instructing”. This would be a delight.
Thanks for sharing your talent/gift of fun.

These are adorable, I’m going to try them too! I got a blog headache the other day too! I had to stay off the computer for a couple days to cure it.

I love her tree~ it looks like it needs to be blown up or just add water!
I love it! It is super duper cute! Kawaii!!! You are such a great mamma
to take the time with her to let her learn on her own, that is hard!
You are making her a strong girl!
And she will want to hide it latter on but dont let her because
when she is our age she will love it!
Sew cute!~
Thanks for sharing!
Rane and baby!

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