Weaving Strawberry Baskets – Art Playgroup Friday

Cutting Strawberry baskets make great weaving frames, and we are always drowning in them. Well, we do take them back to the farmers market to be re-used, but we usually have a big stack of them in the pantry because I’m always forgetting to stick them in the market bag.

So today we got out a bunch of baskets, colorful 1/8″ ribbon, yarn, and some giant yarn darning needles. You can do this without the needles, but it makes it much easier to get the ribbon through tangles of other ribbon if you’ve got a good stiff needle on the end.

Rebecca is learning to tie knots, so she tied a couple of the first ones, but after that it was all mama knots… I tied one end to the strawberry basket, and one end to the needle, and let everyone weave until they ran out. There was a lot of cutting up ribbons too, cutting is fun.

We had a pretty full group today, just about everyone, five ~3’s, two little siblings, and five mamas. It may not sound like much, but our deck was pretty full!

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