Oc-Toy-Put or Oct-Toy-Put? Opinions? I was originally going to call it something boring and factual – Octopus Animal Organizer – I guess I try to cram everything into a name that I think someone might want to know. But my friend John came up with this catchier name. (It’s catchier, right?) In case you can’t tell, you hang it up and it lovingly strangles, or, um, hugs, 8 of your other stuffed animals. If you’ve already lovingly made your children too many stuffies, here is your guilt free opportunity to make another one! Or at least it was for me…
Squeezed into one yard of fabric, (barely, I’m all about the barely), for the next One Yard Wonders book. Props to maryanne for guessing that the pic of the pattern sketch in the post-before-last was an octopus!
Penelope loves her new octopus, and was a very patient little model, even when it was eating her.
Add Yours →That is TOO cute!!! Can’t WAIT to see what you sew up next.
I want to do an Octopus theme in my nursery. This is beautiful! How would I go about getting a tutorial for this glorious octopus??!!!
Thanks! Hopefully I will have the pattern out in my Etsy store sometime this summer, and I will try to remember to email you. I already have volunteers for beta testing unfortunately. Otherwise, it will be in the next One Yard Wonders book, but I don’t expect that to be published for at least a year and a half.
I tried Etsy but you’re on hold…
where can i get this gorgeous pattern?
I currently plan to be on hold forever.
Unfortunately the octopus pattern was never finished prettily before I decided to stop selling patterns. Its current state is finished but not pretty, the draft that I sent to the One Yard Wonders people for them to edit into pretty copy for their third book. So you have two choices, you can wait for the third One Yard Wonders book, or I can just send you an image light copy of the final instructions. Luckily for you I did finish paginating the pattern pieces, so that part is lovely, and as long as you aren’t a novice sewer you should be able to figure the whole thing out. And I’m always happy to answer questions, I love it when people make my stuff.
Im so intrested.. That is really cute.. Please send the pattern details or copy..
I am so pleased I was right!!! LOVE the idea of using it to hold toys, and the photo with Penelope is darling!
Thanks maryanne! I’ve only used a 1/8″ ribbon to hold it up, which keeps making me nervous, but it has been holding up fine for a month now. I think I’m going to have to move to a 1/4″ ribbon, just to make me feel better.
Hello – Love this octopus and I think my daughter, who loves octopi (?) would love it too. Can you send me the lite pattern? Or is your book out yet? I’d love to sew one up for christmas this year.
I am so sorry for falling off the Earth, it is obviously too late for your Christmas! Current estimates are the book is coming out in June.
Do you think that you could send me the pattern for it i am very interested to make one and i cane find a good octopus sewing pattern any where.
I’d love the pattern, couldn’t find at my local bookstore. Where is it available?
This is too awesome! Is the book available now? I am very keen to get my hands on this pattern in whatever form I can! Thanks.
I would love the pattern too if it is available!! Thanks. Debbie
Never mind. I just bought the book with the pattern inside! : – )