Comment Replies

I am mad at my blog right now, it seems that my comment reply plug in that conveniently emails people my replies to their comments is broken. So if you have commented on my blog in the last month or so and you didn’t get an email back from me, sorry! I have no idea what is going on, and I didn’t know that it was broken. Wish me luck! I hate debugging WordPress plugins.

In other news, I am cleaning my house from corner to corner! We are having dust and mold problems, and I am having to concede that my talent for using every available nook and cranny of our tiny house for storage might have created some negative health issues. Boo! And I am starting to concede that synthetic fibers might actually have some benefits over naturals, in that they don’t tend to mold as readily and create less dust, and I’m suspecting that I might be developing a wool allergy. I am in complete denial over that though, as I LOVE working with wool! I’m going to stick with being allergic to dust mites and possibly some of the dyes. Please? Sigh.


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I can relate to this entire post! We have dust and mold allergy issues in our house, and it doesn’t take much for my husband to stop breathing entirely!

And my comment reply plugin doesn’t work any more either – but DH thinks it’s a host problem, not the plugin. We use lypha for hosting – who do you use? He said something about the host blocking smtp, which may make more sense to you than it did to me?

So, do check out that wp_mail testing script I sent you, it was pretty painless to test, and let me know there wasn’t a fundamental server problem with sending mail. Turns out after turning on PHP error logging, and seeing the warnings that my plugins were generating, I turned them all off, and found that turning on WP-reCAPTCHA was the culprit, and that it also isn’t being actively developed, AND that it was the culprit for my always having to mark my dashboard comment replies as not spam. Since I think you mentioned that once, you might want to look into your plugins. And hopefully you will be getting this email!!! Seems to be working now anyway.

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