Cloud Dough

I saw the cloud dough exploration over at TinkerLab and I knew we had to try it too.

We used 24c flour (two bags), and 3c oil, plenty for the 7 kids we had playing. It was fabulous fun, I thought maybe I could bring it into school when we were done.

At least it was plenty for the first hour. Then the yard started looking a bit snowy.

By the end it was a lot snowy.

We don’t usually get much snow here.


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I knew if there wasn’t enough that they would all start hoarding rather than exploring… which drives me CRAZY! They do it when I put out beads, buttons, plastic jewels, stickers… it’s a journey… They are getting better, for a while I just always had to give them each their own small bowl of whatever just so that I didn’t feel the need to tear my hair out. Probably because that’s right where I was as a somewhat resource poor kid and a genetic hoarder.

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