What is Going On?

Don’t I love you anymore? Yes, of course I do, even my own children have been wondering that at times though, it has been a rough several weeks. Funny, one of those was a vacation, but road tripping to San Diego by myself with two girls was a lot of work. I was pretty much ‘on’ the whole time and didn’t even manage to catch up on my sleep, what’s up with that?! We did see LegoLand though, and that was pretty awesome, and did a lot of visiting. And a LOT of driving. Work has also been totally stressing me out. I generally haven’t been working (for pay that is!), but I am still ’employed’ and every once in a while I take a contract through my company. Which means suddenly inventing more hours in the day, getting less sleep, falling behind on the house and all of the things that I do to make everyone’s life run smoothly. Because there really aren’t any extra hours in my day, they all have to come out of something important, don’t they? But it is good for my long term career, and often fun, although this particular project has turned out to be the not so fun kind. Can’t win them all. And once I am done inventing time for my paid work, I am now behind on two more promised projects for the next One Yard Wonders book. Which is much more fun, but still time consuming.

Want to guess what this one is? It’s done, so if you’ve seen it, or are secretly stalking me on FaceBook, no fair!

This post runs dangerously close to violating my blogging without obligation commitment, doesn’t it? Maybe I should take that down, I think I have made a commitment, and I do feel an obligation. But perhaps that’s silly. Doesn’t everyone use a blog reader now? So who cares when anyone updates, your reader is always full of 500 posts anyway? My mother-in-law was just complaining that there is no RSS button on my blog. I suppose my layout probably needs some love, but that will happen sometime in the next century, when I am DEAD and have lots of time! Sigh. I could get into blogging from the afterlife. I always did like Dar William’s Alleluia. See, I am sleep deprived and RANTING! Are you getting enough sleep? So that’s two questions for you, are you getting enough sleep, and what is that thing? Three: do you care if the blogs you read update regularly? (And do you hate it as much as I do when every post is apologizing for how they haven’t posted recently? (FOUR!)) Also I just realized I only have a month until Rebecca’s birthday! OMG.


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I don’t know about everyone else but I loved reading this apologetic rant! 🙂 It made me giggle more than once.

Good luck on the not-so-fun project! Don’t worry sleep is in your future (although I can’t guarantee when….)


Thanks, I’m looking forward to getting ‘real’ sleep in about another six months… I think that’s when Rebecca stopped waking me up in the middle of the night. But I will be going to bed earlier sooner.

Yes maryanne, it IS an octopus. 🙂 Not just an octopus, but definitely at least an octopus.

i don’t know how you do it… i know i don’t get enough sleep when i working extra…and because the work is never predictable, it always gets me off balance! .__
anyway, i am super sympathetic! i too worry if my blog is less viable if i neglect it, and it’s great to hear anyone say, they don’t care! (i don’t care how often you post, just love it when you do.) i think everyone’s stressed. Super full moon won’t help either with sleep, but the howling will be great!

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