Knitted Washcloths

Happy Thanksgiving!

Aren’t fingers great? And pumpkins? I’m thankful for my fingers because they let me do so many things.

I spent two days last week knitting these compulsively at the playground and whenever. I have had it with sponges. Sponges are icky and I’m always sterilizing them in the microwave and that just makes my kitchen smell bad. So I’m switching to washcloths that I can wash with for one day, and then toss in the laundry. Since they will have plenty of time to dry they won’t be perpetually wet, which is what the bacteria that make my sponges icky thrive on.

Maybe while you are chatting over too much wonderful food today, you can be contributing to the cleanup by knitting a square. Isn’t that more fun than doing dishes?

When I showed these first tan ones to my husband he asked what they were made of. I’d pulled out the skein because it felt nice and had the word tweed in the title, and I like the word tweed. I don’t know why. Then I looked at the label, and it was 70% silk 30% cotton. My husband asks, doesn’t silk get really weak when it’s wet? Well, yes, and I looked at the price of the skein, and I probably shouldn’t have been knitting dish cloths out of it. But if you had really beautiful dish cloths, wouldn’t that make doing the dishes nicer? Isn’t that important? I hate cleaning up the kitchen. And these do feel really nice, even when they are wet. We’ll see if they stand up. I’m not going to baby them. The colored one is 100% cotton, and I made some acrylic ones too, which are probably much more practical but don’t feel as nice, so what’s the point really?

I was probably inspired by seeing the article in Issue 9 of Craft: where there is an article called ‘Magically Clean Eco Tawashi’, which is about crocheting round acrylic sponges. Something about acrylic being like microfiber and being able to clean your dishes without soap. So maybe I should try the acrylic ones…

Anyway, make yourself something nice to clean with today!


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Love the pattern you have used. I have been making some of these lately as well – i have used cotton yarn; and corn fibre yarn. They also make great wash cloths in the shower.

My aunt used to make these for me every Christmas. So simple and so useful. I love that they scrub well because of their texture and rinse out and dry well because of their porosity. Just darn groovy.

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