What is this?

Can you tell what this is? It looks a little bit like a fighter jet. Or if you turn it sideways it could be a city skyline…

How about now? It’s sewn up, but inside out.

Oh, it’s a chair!

The other day we were having a tea party in my daughter’s doll house, and there were not enough chairs. Yes, it was tragic, but one of the four thrifted Kelly dolls had to sit on a couch. Shocking. Something had to be done. So I mentally unrolled an arm chair onto a piece of paper. That was the easy part. Then I had to find the time and motivation to do all the cutting and stitching and finishing. I think that took about three hours.

I’ve been wondering recently whether my life would have taken a different direction if all those aptitude tests in high school had been a little more thorough. I had great math and spatial relation skills, so I went into engineering and computer science, because those were the obviously salable things that I liked. But what if they had asked me whether I liked to sew? I don’t think I ever considered that I could be one of those people who created patterns. But it’s full of geometry and space folding and figuring out how to put things together, which I love. But it’s also one of those scary and unreliable artistic professions, and I’m often not very brave that way.

Would anyone want to make one of these chairs? Should I put it on my list of tutorials to do?


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I’d certainly be interested in a tute of this awesome little chair! I love the idea that you unrolled it in your head 🙂 And it looks so comfy too!

I wonder if you could use that pattern to make kid sized or adult sized soft chairs too…

That is fantastic! I’m really amazed at how you were able to take the shape of a the chair and then flatten it out like that into a pattern. I have a hard time visualizing something like that. Although the way you describe sewing makes me think I might be a little better at math than I think.

That little chair is pretty much one of the most incredible things I have ever seen. You are a wonder! I also wanted to tell you that I wrote to Jo about the phonemic object swap, and she said I could be one of your partners! Yay!


Yeah we have a new President!
There is so much seting on his
sholders. The faith of so many,
and the hope of the past. I
wish that all he says and tries
comes to pass, Bless him.
Rane and kids.

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